Risk management
- Tea Trahov Rectorate Director for Administration Office Human Resources Office Offices/Units Director for Administration, Head of Human Resource Office Contacts
- Henri Schasmin Director for Administration Office Coordinator for Protection of Personal Data and State Secrets, Security Coordinator Contacts
Responsible department
The main processes
Link with the Strategic Plan
The management of the university is inclusive and value-based. Management decisions at every level direct the development of the university towards high quality teaching, learning and research.
Inadequate crisis preparedness (e.g., for a school shooting, a bomb attack, etc.) has an immediate impact on people’s lives, including the scenario and awareness for a quick response (information flows from the bottom up) and the inability to quickly reorient to a crisis situation can endanger students’ and employees’ lives.
Rectorate Strategy Office is responsible for the SMART environment:
Tallinn University of Technology