
Supporting the digitalisation of industrial enterprises through the deployment of artificial intelligence and robotics (AIRE)

Project is ongoing

In research-based collaboration, to increase the digital maturity of industrial enterprises (mainly Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)) and their willingness to invest in the deployment of new artificial intelligence and robotics technologies.

Project benefits

Higher competitiveness of Estonian industry, better productivity, quality, and efficiency of processes achieved through research-based cooperation with universities. EDIH impact indicator: The level of digital maturity of the Estonian industry (Digital Maturity Assessment index based on the EC JRC methodology) has increased by 25% by 2025.

Results and deadlines
1) EDIH-AIRE launch and preparation phase 2021-2022: 13 months from 1.6.2021-30.6.20222021-2022
2) The EC EDIH application was submitted on 22.2.2022 to start a 7-year project with the support of the EC from 1.7.2022.from 2022
3) A detailed budget and action plan have been submitted to the EC for 3 years until 30.6.2025. After a positive interim evaluation in 2025, the funding will be extended for another 4 years until 2029.2025