
Entrepreneurship news portal

Project is ongoing

The overall goal of the project is to increase the image and visibility of the university and encourage the academic community to interact with the public.

The specific goals of the project:

  1. to increase and consolidate the university’s role as a guide for society, an expert and an opinion leader, enabling decision-makers to rely on high-quality scientific information and the opinions of scientists;
  2. support increasing the volume of business cooperation by opening up the competencies, skills and opportunities of the university’s research groups;
  3. to increase researchers’ motivation and willingness to speak about the content, importance and impact of their work in an easily understandable language;
  4. to strengthen and consolidate the university’s position in the international EuroTeQ cooperation network, bringing to the readers the scientific achievements of partner universities and examples of business cooperation.
Project benefits

The most easily measurable benefit is the increase in episodes of business cooperation and the increase in the volume of business contracts, while this is part of several development activities that are currently planned. Therefore, a feedback system should also be created, through which it is possible to quantitatively assess the number of new contacts and cooperation episodes, which were based on generating interest through the news channel. The expected benefits of the content of the opinion pieces transmitted through the portal for both decision-makers and entrepreneurs, again this could be evaluated through feedback. As a result of the project, the university’s reputation in society as a partner of business cooperation and as a creator and provider of solutions grows, the involvement of researchers in creating the image of the university increases, and the volume of business cooperation increases. International cooperation is also strengthened, where the university can demonstrate a new instrument in the EuroTeQ network, which also reflects the achievements of other EuroTeQ universities.

Results and deadlines
2023 Activities:
a. Formulation of focus and goals2023, Nov-Dec
b. Mapping of topics and partners2023, Nov-Dec
c. Setting up a technical and visual solution, choosing a web address2023, Nov-Dec
d. Recruitment of the editor-in-chief of the portal2023, Nov-Dec
e. Conclusion of agreements and contracts2023, Nov-Dec
f. Preliminary mapping of cooperation partners (leaders of research groups, active researchers, business cooperation partners (companies), managers of partnership relations)2023, Nov-Dec
g. Material aggregation agreement - Confluence or Sharepoint environments2023, Nov-Dec
h. Creating the legal background (terms of use, liability, etc.)2023, Nov-Dec
i. Sample story production and analysis2023, Nov-Dec
2024 Activities:
a. Starting the production of consistent content (at least 5 unique news items and referencing, if necessary, with the editor's comment to at least 5 media reports per week) and consistently maintaining it, reframing the existing news into the focus of the portal - increasing credibility, creating the positioning of an "expert in the market"2024
b. Launching a collaboration line between the portal's editor-in-chief and the communication team (Kaire Uusen, Krõot Nõges, Epp Joala, Liisu Kirke Normak, communication people of the faculties)2024
c. Data (database) management - who, why. How to interact with the portal.2024
d. Launching newsletters to grow readership2024
e. Consistent promotion of the portal on social media channels (LinkedIn, Twitter)2024
f. Formulation of business cooperation offers (will also be used in the supplement to the Atlas of research groups)2024
g. Linking the student community's entrepreneurship topics to the portal2024
h. Linking research group websites to the portal. Cross references.2024
2025 Activities:
a. Maintenance of consistent content production + newsletters + social media system2025
b. Increasing the volume and involvement of the readership (engagement, retention).2025
c. Targeted offers for companies2025
d. Cultivating an external cooperation network - companies, entrepreneurs, alumni, StartUps.2025
e. Linking research group websites to the portal. Cross references.2025