
Launching of school-based didactics and pedagogy centers (Completed)

Project is successfully completed

The aim of the centers/ network engaged in didactics is to create a sense of unity in the university, to harmonize the quality of teaching, to be a meeting place for all departments, to bring together academic staff and provide an opportunity for exchanges of experience, seek advice or get inspiration.

Project benefits

To enhance and improve the quality of teaching at the university. Methodologists/mentors/advisors with pedagogical experience are working actively in the departments to support and provide advice to academic staff. The university has a functioning system for observing studies, which supports the development of the teaching staff and in the course of which feedback is received from colleagues.

Results and deadlines
1) Employing the persons leading didactic activities in the faculties, finding out the needs of the faculty, analyzing future activities, appointing the persons to be employed from 2022.Autumn 2021 - 2022
2) Staffing the network, setting it up and creating an action plan.2022 Spring
3) Network agreements and introductions in the faculties and the university.2022 Spring
4) Implementation of network activities.Autumn 2022
5) Routine implementation of network activities.from 2023