
Development of a sustainable (cross)use and funding model for research laboratories (awaiting decisions)

Project is being launched

Update the overview of the research infrastructure and map it based on its functions to plan (cross-)utilization, investment needs, and in-house and out-of-house services. At present, the university does not have a central overview of research infrastructure, its condition, depreciation, employment, and the need for investment. In addition, there is no central overview of the missing but necessary research infrastructure. Therefore, it is difficult to make informed central decisions regarding the use and planning of the budget. The project will result in a digitized overview of the research infrastructure based on functional units.

Project benefits

A comprehensive mapping of research infrastructure based on functional units is created. There is an overview of the need for investment, the need for development, and the need to write off, which supports the management decisions regarding the university’s budget and budget strategy.

Results and deadlines
1. Developing the initial mapping task and selection of methodology. Review of existing IT systems and analysis of the opportunities for using existing information. Coordination of the initial task with other RAK (Implementation Plan) project managers and important structural units regarding the infrastructure. Autumn 2023
2. Mapping of existing infrastructure. Preparation and implementation of the initial task to an IT solution to support a permanent and up-to-date overview. 2024
3. Analysing the mapping results and proposing managerial decisions regarding cross-utilization and financing to management.Spring 2025
4. Horizontal communication and cooperation with RAK (Implementation Plan) project managers, heads of relevant offices, infrastructure holders, and managers concerning infrastructure throughout the project life cycle. 2023-2025