- Hendrik Voll Rectorate Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Contacts
- Laura Mere Office of Academic Affairs Councellor to Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Contacts
- Betra Leesment Office of Academic Affairs Offices/Units Study Director Contacts
Our graduates are able to solve complex real world problems with an evidence based mindset, practical engineering skills, good self-management and cooperation skills as well as an entrepreneurial drive. They are prepared to take on responsibility for the development of the Estonian economy whilst being in high demand on the international labour market.
The project was successfully completed.
To create a Power BI desktop for monitoring the quality and performance indicators of study programmes.
The university has agreed on quality indicators for study programmes and created a system for monitoring them. As the existing programmes are developed, closed and new study programmes are opened based on these indicators, it is necessary that all parties (i.e. the schools, programme directors, Office of Academic Affairs, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs) have a comprehensive overview of the operation of the programmes.
Creating a Power BI desktop for program managers - trial version | 30.06.2021 |
Creating a Power BI desktop for program managers - final version | 01.09.2021 |
Rectorate Strategy Office is responsible for the SMART environment:
Tallinn University of Technology