
Bridging/empowering of the Technology Transfer Office (Completed)

Project is successfully completed

Project completed!

The continuation of the business department’s activities is significantly affected by the end of the “TUT development program for the years 2016-2022” (ASTRA7) project financed by EU structural funds. If by 2021 the budget resources for covering the labor costs of business specialists located in institutes and faculties ran out in the project, then from 2022 the project will no longer finance the salaries of business cooperation coordinators and project managers (a total of 6 positions). At the same time, activities related to business cooperation and technology transfer are set as a priority in TalTech’s development plan, so we must continue with these activities (which have also been a prerequisite for external funding) and find a new source of funding to pay the wages of the employees who carry out these activities.
