
Development of data processing principles and policies

Project is ongoing

The processing and protection of university data and information security meet the established requirements and the needs of the university’s activities/services – privacy and security are guaranteed.

  1. Regular updates/additions to data processing, protection and information security regulations and administrative systems – updating and supplementing the data management system. Development and implementation of a technical solution for the data management system.
  2. Regular consulting and training of university members on data protection and information security – development and implementation of online training on data protection and information security. Development and implementation of a technical solution for web-based training on data protection and information security.
Project benefits
  • The data processed during the various services/processes of the university’s main and support activities are secured.
  • The interests and privacy of students and employees and partners are protected.
  • The university has the prerequisites to become a leading partner of large consortia by complying with data processing and protection and information security requirements.
  • Reputation damage and financial damage have been prevented.
Results and deadlines
1. Regular updating/enhancement of data processing, protection and information security management systems.
2. Daily counseling and regular training of university members on data protection and information security
3. University information policy and principles of data processing
3.1 principles of scientific data processing
3.2 principles of the university database and information systems